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The perfect kit for your next ritual, bringing in alchemy, magic, power, wisdom and knowledge. These crystals will help you to manifest your greatest desires! 


The two crescent moons symbolise the perfect moon ceremony and your stick of palo santo is to cleanse your space before you begin.

The Ritual box

  • Lemurian Facet - Brazil 

    Brings in alchemy, connection to akashic records, past life recall, wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment.


    Will help dissolve negativity away and bring about emotional healing.


    A powerful meditation tool and connection to the Divine. 


    Hematoid Quartz/Fire Quartz Moon - Madagascar 

    Uplifting fire energy and a powerful manifestor.


    Dissolves imbalances and negativities in your life and burns away that which no longer serves or supports us.


    Encourages spiritual development and can enhance willpower, boost self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence.


    Smokey Quartz Moon - Madagascar 

    This crescent moon holds the energy of the ritual and whatever you want to bring into existence.


    Helps you to find emotional balance and ground your energy. Smokey Quartz has the ability to transform negative energies and create new positive change.


    Rainbow Moonstone Points - India  (some are mixed with Black tourmaline & aquamarine)


    Known for its goddess, magical energy and makes it a perfect stone for a ritual.


    Rainbow Moonstone has a powerful connection to the spiritual world and is great for stimulating your psychic gifts and receiving Universal wisdom and messages.


    A stone of protection. Good to keep with you at night, shielding the aura from unwanted or negative energies.

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